Our Process
From a vacant site to a knockdown rebuild, difficult sites, or where specific floor plan layouts or façade styling is required, Rosewood Homes can cater to your new home needs. From one of our standard designs, to the evolution a new custom designed home tailored to your individual needs, we take a collaborative approach to work with you through design, tendering, and construction of your new Rosewood Home.
At Rosewood Homes we consider it a privilege to be involved in the evolution of your new home. We strive to help you achieve a best outcome not only in design and construction, but also the total development of your home site in order to ensure a practical and affordable outcome providing the home you will love to live in and the lifestyle at home you’ve been dreaming of.
Call us now to arrange an inspection through our homes and to discuss how we can help you with your new home requirements.

Why Build With Us
With nearly seven decades of successful operation, and now spanning three generations of family ownership and management the experience we’ve gained and the relationships we’ve developed have shaped Rosewood Homes into a builder you can depend upon. As a boutique builder of quality customised homes the benefits in building with Rosewood Homes include-
- With Rosewood Home’s owners personally involved throughout the design, tender, and build procedure we can better ensure customer satisfaction throughout the entire process. Owner involvement helps ensure your experience with Rosewood Homes is worthy of our customer service commitment.
- Our quality of construction and workmanship reflects a standard that we’d expect in our own home.
- Our strong relationships with consultants, subcontractors, and suppliers are based on mutual trust and respect, with numerous relationships spanning multiple decades. We look after them so they will look after you.
- We’ve evolved a suite of unique home designs customisable to your requirements, or we can evolve a unique custom design from scratch specifically suited to your new home desires. We can design, tender, and build the home you will love to live in.
- Our standard specifications / inclusions are at a level of quality befitting the homes we produce. This minimises the potential need for upgrades, and minimises upgrade costs where they are requested.
- We won’t try to sell you a home you can’t afford. Rosewood’s budget analysis review provides added value to our clients where we help identify all cost components required to develop the site to a client’s expectations beyond the confines of the potential building contract. The assessment of potential client costs associated with demolition, landscaping, swimming pools, retaining walls, driveways etc have proven invaluable to our clients in their assessment of affordability which in turn assists in achieving a feasible outcome in total development of your site.
Our standard level of specification and inclusions has been provided to compliment the homes we create. We see no point in specifying finishes and inclusions we know are below the expectations of our market. Subsequently variation upgrades are minimised, and where required are not typically an excessive jump in price from our base pricing.
This approach goes against the grain of most builders, but demonstrates Rosewood Homes transparent approach in presenting the pricing of our homes as a realistic reflection of what you’d expect in homes of this calibre. Check our ‘Rosewood Homes Inclusions’ for yourself.

Progression through Covid-19
With the uncertainties we all face in this time of Covid-19, one thing is for sure, this crisis will pass, these Corona virus clouds will lift and the sun will shine again.
At Rosewood Homes we understand the potential hesitation in committing to the financial burden of new home construction in today’s economic climate. The good news is your new home aspirations don’t need to be put on hold completely. Given the time it can take from initial concept, to procurement of all required authority approvals enabling the commencement of construction on your new custom designed home, we suggest you consider utilising our Custom Design Process to see your home designed, tendered, and progressed to Council or a Private Certifier for approvals without your required execution of a building contract and the financial obligations construction commencement ties you to.
We’ve been offering our Custom Design Process to clients for some time now which facilitates our documentation and tendering on your custom designed home, but to date the process has required the execution of a building contract with Rosewood Homes before we’d prepare and lodge the required documentation to council or the Private Certifier for authority approvals before our commencement on site. In order to better service our clients at this time we are proposing postponement of contract signing until after authority approvals have been achieved and our clients are ready to commit to a building contract enabling our commencement on site. This would provide for our collaborative evolution of your new home design, tendering, finalisation of design documentation with all consultant reports to enable council (or PCA) applications, enabling attainment of authority approvals all done with no more financial outlay than coverage of our costs through this process. This would see your home ready for construction commencement as soon as your circumstances allow it.